Divorcing With Kids: How You Can Prepare Your Children
Learn ways to approach divorcing with kids and see how you and your partner can support your child during this transition.
Divorcing with kids is a difficult process for many families to navigate, especially when parents know they’ll have to approach the topic with their children. Fortunately, there are helpful ways to support your children and prepare them during a time that may confuse them. When both parents show their child they love and are there for them during and after the divorce, it can have a tremendous impact on their well-being.
You can avoid the headache and frustration of messy and emotional divorces by pursuing online divorce in New York. The Divorce Center also has options for you if you live in New Jersey, streamlining the process and making it easier for you, the other party, and your children.
Ways To Prepare Your Children for an Upcoming Divorce
Some ways parents can protect and support their children during a divorce are:
- Planning what you’re going to say to your child to break the news
- Waiting to inform them of the changes until the divorce process has begun
- Seeking therapy and other resources to help their child or children
- Informing the child that they are loved and not responsible for the divorce
When divorcing with kids, you and your partner should continue to provide stability and routine for your child, trying to keep their schedules as normal as possible. Making dramatic changes to their daily life can have a negative effect on their mental and physical health and ability to do well in school.
Remember that parental involvement from both parties is key when dealing with a divorce. When navigating the situation with your child, you should support their emotional well-being by keeping their stress levels down wherever possible. Although you are feeling strong emotions at this time, it’s important not to rely on your child to care for you, as this could create unhealthy behaviors.
Many young children struggle with the idea of their parents splitting up and may feel like if they did things differently, their parents would remain together. Parents should inform them that the divorce isn’t their fault and encourage therapeutic support as a healthy outlet. This resource allows them to express their feelings in a safe support and offers what you perhaps cannot provide on your own.
Don’t ever involve your children in any drama or discussions of pursuing any child support. They may feel resentful toward one or both parents and believe they have to choose sides. Expressing that the family is a united team that cares for the child or children is vital.
Request Assistance With Your Divorce
Although it’s likely to have unavoidable changes to family dynamics and other aspects of your child’s life, having some stability can make the transition easier. Employing similar habits during custody arrangements is also helpful.
Now that you know more about divorcing with kids, work with The Divorce Center to help you avoid messy divorces in New Jersey and New York. Check out the one thing to remember as a post divorce parent, then call us at (800) 762-3111 (New Jersey) or (800) 414-0333 (New York). We offer reasonable prices and a less stressful process.