Unusual Ways People Get Over Divorce
Divorce can be extremely overwhelming and stressful. You’re likely starting over, rebuilding your life, moving, and maybe restarting your career too. When there are assets to be divided and kids involved, a divorce can sometimes get very messy. It’s easy for people around you to tell you that you should just shrug off all the stress and get on with life, but that isn’t always as easy as it sounds. What makes this phase overwhelming is that there are too many changes happening all at once, which can be a lot to handle.
While it’s easy to mope around and feel depressed, there are many ways in which you can maintain your sense of sanity, doing something unusual. Keep in mind that divorce isn’t the end of the world and if you are resilient and make a conscious effort to pull up your socks, it won’t be that difficult to get back on track.
Look for ways to reinvent and re-embrace your real self after your divorce instead of being the sad version of you that has been dealing with a failing relationship. Look back at the times you have thrived and been at your best, the things you were doing and what keeps you happy, healthy and hopeful.
Move out of your comfort zone
When you are in the phase where the sword of divorce is no longer hanging over your head, it gives you the flexibility to look forward rather than backward and that can be a truly wonderful moment. Here are some unusual ways you can get over your divorce:
- Throw a party to celebrate your freedom
Not every divorce is amicable. For many, the move represents freedom as they are finally able to break the shackles of their marriage; and what better way to celebrate your freedom than to throw an “unwedding” party? In fact, that’s exactly what Tom D’Agostino did when his divorce after just 7 months of marriage to Luann de Lesseps, finally went through.
- Take a long road trip or head for the mountains for a few weeks
If you have gone through a messy divorce, you just need some time to calm down and breathe normally once again. What most people need is some time to themselves in settings that are far removed from ones that are used to. Not everyone can shirk their responsibilities and head to some remote place. But try to take a road trip or go camping all by yourself. This will give you the time you need to get back on track quickly.
- Add a stamp of permanency to it
If you have your spouse’s name inked on your body, you could probably tattoo a red line over his/her name. It can act as a reminder of the angst and agony you have gone through when you were with the person. In fact, the tattoo can act as a deterrent of you feel the urge to call your spouse or get back with him/her post your divorce.
These are just some of the unusual things you can do to get over your divorce. The idea is to find something that will help you overcome all the bad feelings and give you some peace of mind.