Filing For An Uncontested Divorce In New York
An uncontested divorce is far easier than a contested divorce, but it can still be complicated. You need to sort through a large amount of paperwork and make sure there are no errors…
Our paralegals have worked with the same forms used for filing for divorce in NYS thousands of times and are very familiar with the process.
Here’s a brief look at all the New York State divorce forms:
- Summons with Notice (Form UD-1 or UD-1a)
- Notice of Automatic Orders
- Notice Concerning Continuation of Health Care Coverage
- Affidavit of Service (Form UD-3)
- Verified Complaint (Form UD-2)
- Affirmation of Regularity (Form UD-5)
- Sworn Statement of Removal of Barriers to Remarriage (Form UD-4) and Affidavit of Service (Form UD-4a)
- Affidavit of Defendant (Form UD-7)
- Affidavit of Plaintiff (Form UD-6)
- Request for Judicial Intervention (“RJI”) (Form UD-13)
- Support Collection Unit Information Sheet (Form UD-8a)
- Qualified Medical Child Support Order (“QMCSO”) (Form UD-8b)
- Child Support Worksheet (Form UD-8)
- Findings of Fact/Conclusions of Law (Form UD-10)
- Judgment of Divorce (Form UD-11)
- Note of Issue (Form UD-9)
- UCS-111 (USC Divorce and Child Support Summary Form)
- Part 130 Certification (Form UD-12)
- Notice of Entry (Form UD-14)
- Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage
This is just a list of forms you might need in while filing for an uncontested divorce NY trusts for quick divorces. The number of forms needed for filing for divorce in NY depends on the nature of your circumstances. For example, if there’s no child involved, there’s no need to fill out forms specifically created for child support or custody arrangements.
In the event that you and your spouse have agreed to get a quick divorce in New York and need information on where to go, The Divorce Center has been in business for 40 years, and we are members of the Better Business Bureau.
The cost of uncontested divorce in NY is $499. The court fee is paid later, directly to the court in two payments, which total $335. If you receive SSI or Public Assistance, you do not need to pay the Court fee.
Normally, you pay our fee when you come into our office to start your divorce in NY, and then you pay $335 in payments to the court later on. For other payment arrangements when filing for divorce in NYC call us or use our Contact Us page.
Your spouse’s signature is not needed to get a divorce in NY, but you do need to know where they are, so they can be notified that you are filing for divorce.
There is usually no court appearance necessary for an uncontested divorce. NY couples file an uncontested divorce to quickly and easily dissolve their marriage. At The Divorce Center, we file all the divorce papers with the court and monitor your progress throughout the process of filing for divorce in NY.
To complete your uncontested divorce, NY State advises you should resolve any issues you may have, for example, child support, debts, property, etc. In all actuality, most divorces are “uncontested.” That just means that couples who can’t achieve an understanding may pay lawyers to battle or put together an arrangement when filing for divorce in NY, but after all of the issues are settled they continue with an uncontested divorce.
You will also need to agree at some point in the process of filing for divorce in NY if alimony will be included. Will one of you pay the other? If alimony is to be included, what amount and for to what extent? If one of the parties did not continue with their career to bring up a child/children or deal with the home, it may be reasonable for that person to receive spousal support. Then again, if both of you worked all through your marriage and can take care of yourselves, alimony probably won’t be essential.
If you have a minor child, you have to choose where they will live and who will watch over them. Will you share custody, or will one of you be the essential custodial parent? What will you do for your child during special occasions? You don’t have to come up with a date-book of how you will go through every day later on, yet the more explicit you can be in choosing these issues in advance, the more your child will have a peace of mind that comes with knowing what to expect.
You will likewise need to determine child support, thinking about the child(ren)’s needs, each parent’s income, gaining limit, and costs. Ensure you consider how you will deal with your child costs, from daycare to diapers and insurance. You might also want to agree on what will happen in the future, such as what you will each contribute for the child school and extracurricular. Keep in mind that child support can be sought after the divorce is finalized.
You may be starting to realize why a divorce can be so costly. Clearly, the more cooperative both parties are, the more affordable this experience is for everybody. We at The Divorce Center will help you with every step-in order to get your divorce final.