Different Stress that Contribute to Divorce
Marriage is a great experience, but sometimes it can become stressful too. Every marriage faces its ups and downs and twists and turns. The strongest couples are ones that have weathered the most challenging situations in tandem with each other. Stressful and challenging situations are a part and parcel of life and preparing for them can help you build a stronger relationship with your spouse. Here is a list of some of the commonest stressors that contribute to divorce:
- Financial problems
Money-related stresses are often listed as the primary cause of divorce. This is ironic because divorce itself ends up causing a significant amount of financial stress. The couple needs to be on the same page when it comes to dealing with money matters, and this relates to how and where money is being spent and invested.
- Miscommunication
Communication is one of the cornerstones of a successful marriage. If you don’t communicate with your spouse consistently and clearly, your marriage will get impacted. Some people tend to go silent in the face of adversity and retreat into their shell. This can only lead to misunderstandings, more arguments, and additional stress.
- Sexual frustration
This may come as a surprise to many, but it’s not uncommon for people to get divorced because either one/both the spouses are sexually frustrated. While it takes more than great sex to build a solid marriage, it’s almost impossible to build one without it.
- Work-related stress and exhaustion
Most people have very demanding careers today and run at quite a crazy pace. We live in a world of cutthroat competition in the workplace. The remote work culture has blurred the lines between work and home, and even when people are at home, their minds are at the office. Some people become so immersed in their work that they unconsciously see their partner as a source of stress.
There are times when people bring their work stresses home which can prove to be a problem too. Excessive office workload can result in exhaustion that will only add to the stress. Couples need to learn how to compartmentalize their lives. When they come home, work needs to be left behind.
- Disagreements
It’s rare to find a couple that agrees on every single thing. While each partner can have their opinion, the key lies in disagreeing in a unified spirit and with a level of mutual respect.
In closing…
As you can see, stressors come in all shapes and sizes. Every couple’s situation is unique and what you are facing may not feature in this list at all. Today, most people work longer hours, making much less time for their spouses and feeling just too exhausted for sex. Job stresses and the fast-paced lives leave couples very little time to connect with and be in sync with each other.
This drastically alters the chemistry between them, making their marriage fragile. A strong marriage doesn’t happen by chance. It takes a certain amount of time, effort, understanding and compromise to make it work.